Sequential imagery research

Sequential art tells a story it is not just a bunch of pictures arranged in a sequence. A very good example is presented above where an artist present six images and tells us a story. It is very simple, I think that people who are able to come up with such ideas, almost without words visualise the story.
Image result for sequential imagery using a camera

This sequence is very meaningful. It presents a very clear image to a viewer, one can understand easily the situation. There are stairs and you see a person coming down. While in the next picture a lying hand and finally three pictures of a girl where her soul flying out of her body. I think it is a very good work, the concept is very good. However, in place of an artist who did this work I would work more on the colours and overall collage look of the images because the light is different on the first three images and it would look much better if some colour adjustments were added.

I find these kind of sequence images the best, because the bring an image to life. You see the movement. The artist uses a graphic designing app and united all the pictures into one. I think it is a very warm picture, makes you want to join him in this fun summer activity. 

Today I discovered an interesting fact that I have never noticed before, the sequential art dates back 1700 years back, our ancestors actually used the sequential art in the caves.  

This is very interesting because this is also a sequential art. I like to travel a lot but I have never noticed that every time on board of an aircraft we see a sequence of images. 
Now I have a much better understanding of a sequential imagery art and will try to widen my knowledge by researching more and more. 
